
DECEMBER 2008: AGENDA seminar

Innovation Agenda Seminar

We took part in the Agenda Seminar and decided to do our Innovation Agenda in the Virtual firm.
Innovation Agenda
This is a program promoted by the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Department of the Basque Country and SPRY that provides Basque SMEs, advancing along the path of innovation. Through a reflective process, the management team and its members define its Innovation Agenda.
Definition of innovation
Innovation is to transform knowledge into economic and social outcomes, improve the situation of a company in the market. The innovation involves a change, a deep transformation in the way of doing and thinking about a task. You can innovate in all areas of business: product / service, process, organization and market.
How can you innovate?
“To innovate” means you must want to do it, learn and work in different ways. It involves a change of attitude, rethinking the way you work, lead and how you relate to others. Innovation isn’t just a one off effort; it requires a sustained commitment over time.

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